Free 3D Photo Room – WordPress Media Plugin Download

3D Photo Room - WordPress Media Plugin - CodeCanyon Item for Sale
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3D Image Space is a stunning digital 3D area with image products straightened on each wall surface. This produces an immersive experience when surfing the gallery.

Element Architect

Every UI aspects are made as apart parts from scratch. Parts are freely combined widget things that can be recycled and personalized in various jobs.

Extensibility with ease

Easily customize and expand the application with your very own code. We give standalone foundation as AMD components utilizing RequireJS.

Rich API

The technological style uses numerous traditional OOP benefits like the solitary duty concept however additionally give a variety of public techniques that one-of-a-kind to every part.

Full Features

  • Over 50 configurations
  • Default dark motif and light theme
  • Multi media assistance: image, sound, video clip, ajax, inline, ingrained iframe
  • Multiple controls: key-board and mouse
  • Multiple displays sustain: mobile, tablet computer. desktop
  • Multi groups support
  • Full display support
  • Full size support
  • High top quality code commenting
  • High top quality documentation
  • animejs as core computer animation engine: numerous alleviating formulas sustain, set up hold-up, period, callback effortlessly
  • Advanced MediaViewer part, an attribute abundant lightbox application to check out extensive contents
  • Advanced construct system with Grunt: quickly develop circulation and instances submit with builtin tasks
  • CSS preprocessor utilizing SASS and Compass framework
  • Multiple SASS variables supplying severe adaptability to tailor application appearance and feel
  • HTML preprocessor utilizing Pug templates
  • Custom parts: ItemTitle, ItemDescription
  • videojs as primary video clip playback engine
  • audio5js as primary audio playback engine
  • Multiple instances submits provided
  • Lightweight: just 28KB in gzip format

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