WordPress Light/Dark motif plugin which can transform the look of the WordPress admin and login web page. It works with countless WordPress plugins by default. You can tailor the dark setting history message and shade as you desire with the personalized shade attribute.
1: Colors
Change the admin colors
- Change worldwide colors
- Change food selection colors
- Change bar colors
2: Admin bar
Change the admin bar on the top
- Custom admin logo
- Custom admin name
- Hide admin name
- Hide fast links
3: Menu
Rename/Remove the menu/submenu on the left
- Rename menu/submenu title
- Remove menu/submenu
- Custom food selection icons
- Drag/drop to arrange menu/submenu
4: Login page
Change the login web page logo
- Custom login web page logo
- Change login web page history color
- Change login web page history image
5: Footer
Change admin footer message and version
- Change footer text
- Change footer version
6: Extra
- Import/Export
- Disable setups on below sites