Free My Reading Time Pro Download

My Reading Time Pro - CodeCanyon Item for Sale
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Reading Time for WordPress

Reading time professional plugin insert’s vibrant analysis time and progression bar on top. You will certainly obtain complete control to alter the progression bar shade. You can disable progression bar and established the progression bar elevation in pixel as well. 275 Words per min is basic for reviewing time. However you can by hand establish Words per min on your own.

Aesthetically it attracts your site visitors and they can see just how much time it requires to check out any type of web page or blog post. Utilizing correct shade & progression bar elevation based upon your internet site design will certainly make it eye-catching.

Attributes at a glance

  1. Compatible with any type of Style
  2. Adapt to any type of device
  3. Progress bar shade picker
  4. Progress bar elevation selection
  5. Set your wanted message worth per minute
  6. Change the tag prior to or after minute
  7. Change tag message

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