Free PDF Password Protect Download

PDF Password Protect - CodeCanyon Item for Sale
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WP PDF Password Protect plugin makes it simple to secure your PDF documents on your wordpress site. You can establish passwords, control modify authorizations conveniently for PDF documents. The plugin uses extra functions for car secure uploaded PDF documents, mass password and get rid of password from PDF documents.

Customer and Proprietor password

Set customer password and proprietor password to secure the PDF data and to regulate the customer modify permissions

Remove password

Remove password from PDF documents utilizing either customer or proprietor password

Auto Password

Set passwords immediately on uploaded PDF documents once uploaded based upon the PDF data upload location

Bulk password

Apply solitary password on mass PDF files

Restricted PDF files

Block accessibility to watch or download and install details PDF fiels

Password shielded PDF declare WooCommerce

Set password to downloadable PDF declare each consumer in WooCommerce products


The plugin requires 2 plans to be set up on web server in order to take care of variety of PDF documents.

  • .
    QPDF V 9.1.1 at the very least
  • GhostScript

You can Evaluate the Free Variation in order to examine the standing of the plans on your web server.

Includes List

  • Add customer and proprietor password to pdf documents.
  • get rid of password from PDF documents.
  • Establish passwords immediately on uploaded PDF documents.
  • Establish passwords on mass PDF documents.
  • Restrict Accessibility to PDF files
  • Auto secure downloadable PDF documents in WooCommerce products

Updates Background:

Variation 1.0.0 First Version

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