Free Showoff Two – The Stachethemes Gallery Plugin for WordPress Download

Showoff Two - The Stachethemes Gallery Plugin for WordPress - CodeCanyon Item for Sale
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Current Version 1.0– March 16, 2021– Sight Changelog

What is Showoff 2?

Showoff 2 is the follower to our prominent WordPress gallery plugin, Showoff. Entirely restored from square one, this effective plugin offers an appealing and adjustable means to display your tasks, items, group, or customers on your web site. With a streamlined and modern-day user interface, Showoff 2 supplies a magnificent grid gallery that is best for showing aesthetic web content in an expert and well organized fashion. Develop exciting screens effortlessly and boost your web site’s aesthetic charm with Showoff Two

Plugin Features

General Features

Import Products from your Etsy Shop
Import WooCommerce Products
Import Jobs from CSV files
Asynchronous import using history tasking
Export your Jobs to CSV file
Web server side and front-end javascript caching
Ajax Driven (Completely crawlable by Google robotics)
Vehicle Produced Search Engine Optimization Schema for every project
Mobile Ready: Swipe assistance, indigenous scrolling. Does not utilize javascript scroll libraries
Real-time background state update
Flexible grid columns, column dimension and grid gap
Shade customizable
Auto-extract sneak peek photo base colors
Various shift computer animations to pick from or randomize on each transition
Vehicle emphasis task on open
Share links
Video clip support
Photos preloader
Tracks customers favored tasks (can be turned off)
Completely translatable. JavaScript i18n support
Does not utilize outside Typefaces (like google font styles or font-awesome)
Multi-site support
Easy to utilize instinctive back-end. Easy to show on the front-end.

Showing the plugin on the front-end

The plugin utilizes the shortcode [st_showoff] to show the front-end web content.

Shortcode instances:

[st_showoff title=”Our Work”]
[st_showoff filter_cat=”101,102,103″]
[st_showoff hide_cats=”1″ hide_tags=”1″]
[st_showoff title=”Our Work”]
[st_showoff featured=”1″]
[st_showoff favorite=”1″]

Shortcode attribues:

title– show title beside the menu
filter_cat– show just chosen groups (id numbers)
hide_cats– conceal groups menu
hide_tags– conceal tags menu
included– show just highlighted tasks (0/ 1)
favored– show just customer’s faves (0/ 1)

Modification log

19.03.2023 Variation 1.1


– When you open up a job, a hash piece is immediately included in the link, enabling you to access the task by just seeing the link.


The #project name can be modified from Control panel -> Showoff -> Setups -> Devices -> “Job hash frament name”.

– Dealt with an insect that triggered the tasks float box to continue to be noticeable on Safari also when the computer mouse reminder was not placed over the thing.


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