Free WhatsApp for LatePoint Download

WhatsApp for LatePoint - CodeCanyon Item for Sale
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Latest Variation: 5.1.0


WhatsApp for LatePoint is an add-on for LatePoint which enables you to send out alerts and tips to your clients and representatives using WhatsApp Organization.

With that said claimed, WhatsApp for LatePoint is NOT a standalone plugin and needs LatePoint to be operable.


  • Send Welcome (account produced) alerts to Customers
  • Send Visit Verification alerts to Agents/Customers
  • Send Visit Condition Update alerts to Agents/Customers
  • Send Payment/Transaction alerts to Agents/Customers
  • Send Pointers to Agents/Customers
  • View the background of tried WhatsApp messages in the Activity Log


Read the extensive documents consisted of in your downloaded and install archive after acquisition.

Flying start Guide

  1. From the LatePoint Control panel, browse to WhatsApp > Settings.

  2. In the WhatsApp Processors area, allow and configure your wanted portal( s). Guidelines are offered on exactly how to get required API/Account qualifications.

  3. Click the Save Settings switch at the end of the web page.

  4. Navigate to WhatsApp > Templates where you might after that produce themes, which are utilized when setting up Notifications and Reminders.



= 5.1.0 =.
Apr 06, 2023.
– Minor insect repairs and enhancements
= 5.0.0 =.
Mar 31, 2023.
– Upgraded for compatibility with LatePoint v4.7.8 and above
= 4.0.0 =.
Mar 19, 2023.
– Upgraded for compatibility with LatePoint v4.7.0 and above
= 3.0.5 =.
Mar 08, 2023.
– Boosted Meta portal assimilation.
– Taken care of a concern with conserving layout criteria
= 3.0.0 =.
Mar 06, 2023.
– First Envato Market launch.


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