Free WooCommerce Multi Locations Management Solution Download

WooCommerce Multi Locations Management Solution - CodeCanyon Item for Sale
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WooCommerce Multi Locations Monitoring Service

WooCommerce Multi Area Monitoring plugin offer area sensible shop monitoring with apart stock for every places.

Our plugin made for WooCommerce based ecommerce shops that offer area sensible various shops monitoring center. Consumer can select a closest area automatically and ship items from closest places.
Clients can select a place when enter their website. And item stock will certainly be program based upon customers select area. Item schedule will certainly be based upon clients selected area.

Area Pick-up

Choose closest area prior to begin purchase

Area Pen

Location Picked for purchase

Stock avaiibility

Show avaibility based upon Chosen area.

Delivery selector

Choose delivery based upon choosen location

Area Monitoring

Add/modify area in admin side

Delivery area

Specify delivery approach for every location

Establish Supply Amount

Set amount for items in each area separately

Update Supplies

Update items supply conveniently from popup.

Order Monitoring

Show orders for every area.

Area Supply Supervisor

Manage stock for every area like spreadsheet

Appoint Area Supervisor for certain location

Location supervisor can be appointed for a certain area for filtering system orders and inventory

Various other Functions

  • Backend Setting
  • Enable Default Area
  • Present just in supply item in store by area
  • Area sensible item cost

Demonstration Login Information


username: demonstration password: 123456

Area Store Supervisor Login Information


username: demo2 password: 123456

Release Notes— Modification Logs:


v1.5.0 – 15 march 2023.
– repaired some pests.
– included brand-new plumes.
– included area sensible cost.
– Enhanced plugin food selection.

v1.4.0 – 18 July 2022.
– repaired some pests.
– enhance ui.
– included brand-new plumes.
– included google location api.
– included closest area.

v1.0.0 – 16 May 2022.
– Preliminary launch.


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