Free WooCommerce Reserve Stock: Reserve Quantity on Add to Cart Download

WooCommerce Reserve Stock: Reserve Quantity on Add to Cart - CodeCanyon Item for Sale
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WooCommerce Book Supply expansion allows you to schedule the supply amount when the item is contributed to haul. You can personalize various get time for various items and instantly get rid of the item from cart when time expired. Enable supply get alternative for certain individual duties, items and classifications.

WooCommerce Book Amount expansion supplies comprehensive message setups to inform clients supply get time and schedule.

Functions of WooCommerce Book Supply Plugin

  • Reserve supply amount on include in cart
  • Create regulations to get for certain duration of time
  • Put all or certain items & classifications on get
  • Automatically get rid of item cart when time lapsed
  • Enable booking for certain individual roles
  • Customize various messages regarding reservation
  • Multiple settings and shade setups for messages

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