Free WPRembrant Frontend Editor Addon Download

WPRembrant Frontend Editor Addon - CodeCanyon Item for Sale
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Please upgrade WPRembrant to the most up to date variation for this addon to function correctly!

WPRembrant editor user interface is just readily available from the WordPress admin control panel, if you are visited as a Manager, Editor, or Writer.

This plugin permits you to present editor as a frontend web page to can be accessed by non-logged-in individuals.

Table of Contents


  • Display Editor on a Web Page – Establish an existing web page as editor, or develop a brand-new web page.
  • Registration Form/User Account – To allow individuals conserve their jobs.
  • Custom Individual Function: ‘WPRembrant’ – This kind of individual can not access WordPress admin control panel, and do not see admin bar. They just can access their very own jobs.
  • Enable/Disable Import Photos From Pixabay – You can enable individuals to accessibility Pixabay photos from the editor, and import them as layers.
  • Pre-Made Design templates – You can supply pre-made demonstration layouts for your area. These layouts can be modified, conserved, and downloaded and install as a photo.


Variation 1.1.0 – 07.04.2023
– Pattern generator is readily available on frontend.
– Dealt with some pests.
Variation 1.0.0 – 24.08.2022
– First launch.

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